Sunday, October 5, 2008

Grow and Stick My Little Beans!!

Well they are in at 11:00 am this morning two embryos were transfered into their rightful home. Or so I think!! They transfered one 8 cell Grade A, and one 8 cell Grade B which they said were very good. The other two embryos aren't of as good of quality, but they are going to let them grow to day six, and if they make it they will freeze them.

Got up this morning at 8am and inserted the progesterone suppositories, yuck, is all I can say without TMI! Got dressed and on the road, at 10am I drank my water and took my valium, well I dont know if it relaxed me or not but I took it. We went back to the surgery suite and 10:45am got into our lovely garb, which of course included gown, booties, cap and shoe covers. We were cute! We got to see our embryos put into the catheter on the screen and then they were put back into their home! I layed still with my knees bent for about 30 minutes, got dressed, ate some chinese food and came home to nap. So that was about the extent of our morning. So now we wait! On the 16th I will go back for bloodwork, and a pregnancy test. So I am praying for a quick and positive two week wait for myself and Leigh too!
I am thankful for:
1. The two healthy embryos that were transfered this morning.
2. The medical advances that we have.
3. Simple comments "It is in God's hands now" From my RE! That is the truth!


Anonymous said...

You know, I've decided that the hard part of IVF is not the tests, it's not the appointments, and it's not even the meds. It's the WAITING and the bottomless well of patience that you are required to tap. Now that you're officially on the 2WW, you'll get to see just how much of that patience you've got.

In the meantime, you should consider yourself pregnant until proven otherwise! (I wish I could take credit for that clever statement, but I can't. I heard it somewhere and have been saving it to be my own personal mantra when it's my turn for the 2WW. But it has a nice ring, doesn't it?)

I have to say, you've got gorgeous embryos!

Marcia (123 blog) said...

Christi's right - they are GORGEOUS!

They told us to only go back for the blood test on the 20th!!!

At the moment I'm fine - cool, calm and collected but I think I may get just a tad impatient closer to the time!

Well done, Blythe!