Friday, October 3, 2008

After 24 Hours...

The RE's office called me this morning to let us know that out of the 9 eggs they retreived yesterday we have 4 good looking embryos. They will call me tomorrow to let us know the status of the 4 em-babies tomorrow and also give us a time for transfer. So now we wait and pray and hope that they divide and grow as they should and will hang tough for us.
Today I am a bit tearful, feel optimistic but also worried like hell, that tomorrow I will get some awful phone call and we will never have the chance to have a baby together, I know it only takes one to make a baby that we want so badly this is just very stressfull and scarey.
Tonight will be our first PIO shot I will let everyone know how that goes. And I will post tomorrow about our babies, and when they will be putting them back in the home they need to be in to grow! Please send good vibes to my cyclesista Leigh and her embryo they both need all of our prayers! Chrsiti I hope you get to start your stims today! Will talk to everyone later!
Oh and I forgot TGIF!! I also am going to try something to keep me positive, everyday I post I will post 3 things that I am thankful for.
1. I have 3 healthy children
2. I have a husband that loves me and my children.
3. I am alive to see another day, not matter how gloomy I may feel!


debbie said...

4 good looking embryos is hopeful. I am praying for you and Leigh. Please pray for me as well.

Anonymous said...

I think you have just the right balance going on. You're nervous but trying to be optimistic and grateful at the same time. That's the best thing you can do for yourself. We're all sending you the best vibes - many fingers are crossed on your behalf for a positive outcome for your weekend!

Marcia (123 blog) said...

I LOVE this post. You are right - we are ALIVE!

Debbie, Christi, Blythe - I am PRAYING for ALL of us, for beautiful, healthy babies